Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Tenecia P. Reid - Manassas Divorce Lawyer Services

Divorce Litigation can be frustrating, confusing, and emotional. You need an attorney who listens and treats you with respect during this major life decision. You need family law and divorce attorney Tenecia P. Reid. Specializing in family law for her entire career, she is ready to guide you through the divorce litigation process.

Attorney Reid is widely experienced and has negotiatied and litigated cases that include all of the following: adultery, abuse, bankruptcy issues, business valuations, complex marital assets, tax issues, underwater joint mortgages, and even protective orders. Attorney Reid is also familiar with the laws concerning fault-based divorce cases and can help you determine whether you have one or more fault grounds against your spouse and how to prove them.

Attorney Reid is a sharp negotiator with a confident courtroom presence. She communicates with and helps her clients understand each step of the process. If you're considering divorce or have just been served a divorce complaint, consult the law offices of Tenecia P. Reid for a confident assessment of your situation and the best possible outcome.